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2024 Kentucky Summative Assessment (KSA) Results for

Proficient Reading:



Distinguished Reading:



Proficient Math:



Distinguished Math:



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About the School

Beaumont school building

Beaumont offers a rigorous instructional program that challenges all students at high levels, with advanced courses available in each core subject at all grade levels. French, Spanish and German are provided, along with a range of exploratory and elective classes including robotics and speech and drama. In addition, students can join more than 20 clubs and teams, which require a community service project. Our intramural program also boasts more than 700 participants each year.

Students and staff follow the Colts Creed: "Come prepared, Obey the rules, Laugh often, Take care of each other, and Success will follow." High-quality staff and school pride are evident at Beaumont. Go, Colts!

Our Mission

The mission of Beaumont Middle School is to educate students for meaningful participation in a changing world. Building upon a thorough foundation of basic skills, we want to respect personal uniqueness and educate the whole child to reach maximum potential. By using a team-oriented setting and utilizing input from the entire school community, we are committed to help students (1) achieve academic success, (2) demonstrate appropriate behavior, and (3) participate in extracurricular activities.